This product provides clients with more than one purchasing option per year, opening up the wholesale market to enable you to make multiple purchases throughout your supply contract. You’ll also have the ability to manage your wholesale cost on a regular basis. This product proves popular in the spend categories of £3m and above annually, but is also available for spends all the way down to £250K.
This product has three main facets of low risk, medium risk, and high risk. These take three separate hedging ratios and apply this to a hedging policy to allow multiple purchases of electricity and sell backs. The frequency of these transactions will be determined according to your level of risk.
To make sure we operate within the parameters of a market, we need to exclude ourselves from achieving market extremes. We exclude ourselves from these extremes by participating in the market regularly, and ensuring our commitment is balanced across the market curve (having risk spread in both short term and long-term markets).