Carbon Management Services
Reduce your carbon footprint and met your Net Zero goals
With the UK government announcement for all businesses to be net-zero by 2050 there is an increase in demand for businesses to determine how they will reduce their carbon footprint.
Whether your business fits the criteria for mandatory carbon reporting, or you’ve decided to voluntarily demonstrate your environmental sustainability from a corporate social responsibility perspective, we have a carbon strategy for you.
Achieving your carbon reduction targets and maintaining your profit margins isn’t easy. Disclosing Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) data can take a huge amount of effort in time and resource, especially if your business is geographically large with multiple sites.
Professional Energy Services can enable you to achieve your goals while still maintaining economic growth with our carbon management services. We provide carbon measurement, carbon reporting and compliance review, and the creation of a carbon strategy unique to your business.
What is Carbon Management?
Carbon Management is the process of a business/organisation measuring, managing, and mitigating the six greenhouse gases listed in the Kyoto Protocol, with the aim of discovering how and where your business produces carbon emissions.
A carbon management plan gives your business a strategy to:
Measure your carbon emissions
- Aggregate data on all production, manufacturing, supply chain and even business travel activities that produce carbon emissions within your organisation
- Determine the final carbon footprint of your business
Set Targets
- Benchmark your final carbon footprint against your competitors or greener alternatives that your business may switch to
- Carbon consumption and reporting analysis to identify realistic reduction opportunities
- Develop detailed strategies backed by science to achieve reductions in carbon emissions to reach net zero in your business.
Reduce emissions
- Ensure operational and stakeholder buy in to your commitment to net zero
- Implement developed strategies
- Make ongoing improvements and adjustments as you track progress against the targets made
Offset Carbon
Some emissions are impossible to avoid. Connect with providers and schemes that can offset your carbon.
How Professional Energy Services can Help
As part of our Carbon Management Service, we will provide you with your own carbon consultant. Our consultants have an in-depth understanding of carbon accounting standards, the modelling required to handle large quantities of data for complex supply chains, and the ability to liaise with your key stakeholders within your business to ensure that all data provided is correct and compliant for the necessary legislation.
With experience of delivering carbon management plans across a range of industries we ensure our plans are bespoke to your needs and business. All our plans abide our 4 step approach:

1) Measure and calculate your Carbon footprint.
Using our own carbon footprint calculator we gather all your emission data and determine your business’s footprint in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate standard so a baseline is set for future reductions.

2) Set realistic and achievable Targets.
By working towards a science-based target we help you set realistic, sensible and time considerate goals to reduce your footprint and commitment to net zero.

3) Create a carbon reduction plan.
Carbon reduction plans include:
- Carbon audits that highlight specific target areas to reduce emissions
- Staff training, stakeholder management and external communications
- Bidding for government contracts to develop specific carbon reduction plans in compliance with PPN 06/21
- Climate Change Agreements
- Mandatory GHG reporting
- Gaining net zero status in alignment with SBTI or other industry recognised campaigns

4) Carbon offsetting and certification of Carbon Neutrality
Even the most sustainable of strategies may not fully reduce all carbon emissions. Therefore business can still reach net zero if they offset their carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting compensates the unavoidable GHG emissions you still produce and Professional Energy Services procures verified offsetting schemes for our clients to ensure you gain your PAS 2060 certification of carbon neutrality.
Benefits of a Carbon Management Plan
In addition to reducing your footprint, following a carbon management plan will:
- Help you stay compliant with the latest legislation
- Provide on-going cost savings as your energy consumption is reduced
- Improve your corporate social responsibility and provide positive PR opportunities as sustainable business
- Improve transparency as you publicly report your carbon emissions
- Install new processes that are more sustainable and future proofed against potential new legislation
- Improve employee engagement as staff see your commitment to the environment
- Receive certification of carbon neutrality (PAS 2060)
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